St. Louis City Weekend // Chicago City Marathon
Hey guys, Tyler T here. Late on New Year's Day I finally got back from a 2 week long Pokemon vacation. Bryan H and I left on the 17th of December for St. Louis. We stayed with Sarah B out there and for the first weekend we went to two city championships at some local hobby/game stores in the area. Unfortunately the collective did not do well. Both of these City Championships were expanded. On the first day both Bryan H and I played a variant of Flareon/Bees to no success. The next day we opted to play Yveltal/Archeops, also to no success. Although we didn't place this weekend, we still had fun and got to chill with a bunch of friends from the St. Louis area. we normally don't see too often because we're both from Upstate New York.After about a week of staying with Sarah B in St. Louis on Christmas day I drove up to Brandon F's place close to the Chicago area for the upcoming marathon (Standard format). I went to five of the Chicago city championships and unfortunately did not top there either.
Saturday: Night March/Bronzong.
Sunday: Night March/Milotic.
Monday: Vileplume/Vespiquen.
Tuesday: Dragons/Bronzong.
Wednesday: Vileplume/Vespiquen again.
My closest to topping was on Tuesday when I played Dragons/Bronzong, as I had started 3-0. I lost a very close game to M Gallade/Forretress, and from there, I lost the next two to YZG and Entei. Although I was pretty upset with my performance, I understood that these things happen, and you can never win them all. It was still a lot of fun to hang with my friends during the holiday season, and I wouldn't have traded it for everyone else.
Here's to hoping for a good season this year!