Jay Y

8/30/2016 PokemonToxic 0 Comments

Jay Y (Co Founder) (Retired)

Name: Jay
Location: MO
DoB: 1993 (Masters)
Nickname(s): Loyd
Join Date: Co Founder
Twitter: none
Pokemon TCG Online: DevineLoyd

One of the original members and co-founders of PokemonToxic is a St. Louis competitive Master Division Players. With Pokemon Organized Play origins dating back to formats Base-Set through Team Rocket, Jay could be seen playing his classic Pidgeot deck in 15&under divison. Pokemon has always been a part of his life playing and dabbling in the VGC singles scene. Jay is most notably playing ultra-consistant decks such as Virizion Genesect, Donphan, and Manectric/Bats. Most notable achievements are a 36th placing at Nationals 2014, Semi Finalist at Missouri States in 2015 & three 2nd place finishes at City championships last season. As of the 2015, Jay has been on a semi-hiatus due to work but still follows local and national meta for Standard & Expanded. He also acts as "the practice dummy" providing useful play testing effort and coaching for other members. Currently Jay has left Toxic to join a new team, DrawPass with different Midwest / West players.
